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War of Art

War of Art

Directed by Tommy Gulliksen

In a trailblazing experiment, a group of international artists travels to North Korea to collaborate with local counterparts. But what happens when a Western sound artist, and a man who has used his own skin in art, meet with local artists who have only ever helped prop up the regime, making statues of their leaders or painting pretty sunsets? In a country dominated by bleak modernism and conformity, and where abstract art is forbidden, the visiting artists’ colourful self-expression and creative visions make a culture clash seem entirely inevitable. Cameras follow as the visitors join forces with the local artists over a 10-day period to create a new public exhibition. Will collaboration or confrontation rule? How much are these creative minds willing to constrain themselves in order to gain acceptance by the regime? And what happens when their integrity is threatened?

In a trailblazing experiment, a group of international artists travels to North Korea to collaborate with local counterparts.

Cast: Matthias Scherwenikas, Cathie Boyd, Chol-Hak Ham